Kilometer 7460: how to deal with the autumn chill Armenian way
Decisions, dilemmas, choices. Every day challenges us. Which major? Career or family? A house or an apartment? All of those – trivialities. Here is the most severe decision you will ever face:
Which is more acute: the cold or the need to pee.
Four in the morning with a full bladder in a tent pitched on frost is a very difficult time.
After numerous perturbations, Armenia successfully settled on a plateau. What does this mean for us in practice? It means that you can wander like in the Netherlands but everything is 2000-2500 m above sea level. This also means that autumn comes quickly, unexpectedly and by surprise (come on, really, who would think that it can get chilly at night in November?).
Nothing to worry about, there are plenty of ways to warm up. Our usual way is tea, which comes as thyme infusion served with apricot jam. Alternatively, when sleeping under a roof, we go for pomegranate wine (yup, pomegranates reached a whole new level! Azerbaijan would have also thought of this, if it wasn’t for the religious limitations). Yummy. But you shouldn’t drink too much just before going to sleep. Precisely…

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